Changing Applicant Status and Disposition Reason


Procedures for reviewing application materials, changing an application status, dispensing applications and completing the DRA.


For Hiring Coordinators who will be responsible for managing application pools.


Hiring Coordinator access is managed via Hiring Coordinator role which can be requested via the Banner Authorization Requests (BAR) system.



Reviewing Applicant Information

Hover over Recruit on the navigation bar and select Manage Requisitions.       

  • To view the applicant information for a requisition, select the value (numeric) under the Applicant column in the requisition listing.

  • Once selected, you will be brought to the Manage Application page.

To view an applicant’s information, you can do the following:

View all of the applicant’s material as a PDF document.

View the applicant’s resume/CV as a Word or PDF document.

Select the checkmark next to the applicant, under the Action button select Resume/CV Review to go to the resume review screen which allows you to toggle between the attached resume/CV for the selected applicants. A PDF for the applicant’s application or resume/CV can be generated form this page.
Applicant Name

Select the applicant’s name to be brought to the application profile. The person’s application can be found under the Applicant tab and the attached documents can be found under the Documents tab. The documents can also be downloaded from the Applicant Summary tab.


Change Applicant Status

  • To change an applicant’s status, you can do the following:

Select the checkmark next to the applicant’s name, under the Action button select Change Status to be brought to the change status page.

Select the checkmark next to the applicant's name, under the Action button select Resume/CV Review to go to the resume review screen. The resume review page allows you to change the person’s applicant status after reviewing the person’s application material.

Applicant Name

Select the applicant’s name to be brought to the application profile. On the Summary tab, select the value given in the Current Status to be brought to the Change Status page.

  • Hiring Coordinators are responsible for updating the status of each applicant as they progress through each phase. This is an important step and used in annual compliance reporting.


  • Applicant is in the pool as Under Review and is selected for telephone interview switch the applicant from Under Review  > Telephone interview. If selected to interview on campus switch to >In Person interview round 1 or 2 as appropriate . Finally, change to > Recommended for Hire or dispense the applicant as they fall out of consideration.

Status Name


Self-Identification/DRA Required for Submission of Hiring Request

Under Review by Department/Committee

Default status for all applications.


Telephone Interview

Select this status when an applicant has been selected for interview.


Video Interview

Select this status when an applicant has been selected for a video (ex. Skype) interview.


In Person Interview Round 1

Select this status when an applicant has been selected for an in person interview. Use this status if only one round of in person interviews has been conducted.


In Person Interview Round 2

Select this status when an applicant has been selected for a second in person interview.


Background Check

Select this status if a background check is being conducted for the selected applicant.


Recommended for Hire

Select this status for the applicant(s) that are selected for hire. This status is required in order to submit a hiring request.


Assigned Onboarding

For OFAS use only. Select once an offer has been accepted and onboarding has been initiated.



For OFAS use only. Selected once onboarding has been completed.


Not Hired

Select when an applicant is no longer under consideration. You must select a disposition code when moving an application to “Not Hired”.

Note: The disposition code selected determines if an email notification is sent to the applicant. See the attached list to determine if the disposition code will send an email notification.

Yes, if person was interviewed via video or in person.

Once a person has been interviewed the disposition code must be Interviewed Not Hired.


Important Information when Changing an Applicant Status

  • When Not Hired is selected, the applicable Disposition must be selected. An application that is in the Not Active status is no longer active for that posting and a notification email will be sent to the applicant, dependent on the disposition selected.

  • When an applicant who was interviewed is moved to the Not Hired status, the appropriate Disposition code is "Interviewed Not Hired" and the "Interview: Not Hired" Disposition will have to be completed, see section 4.4 for instructions.


    If you dispense an applicant with the incorrect reason first change the status back to Under Review by Department/Committee then update as not hired with the new disposition reason.


Interview: Not Hired Disposition Reason

  • For an applicant that was interviewed but not hired, select the person’s name from the Manage Applications page.

  • On the Summary tab, in the Application Custom Fields section select the Edit Custom Fields button.

  • Select the appropriate value from the Interview: Not Hired Disposition Reason dropdown and select the Save Custom Fields button. See the list below.

Interview: Not Hired Disposition Reason:Email sent to Applicant

Acceptable as an alternate

No, expectation is that the interviewee would be personally contacted by the interview committee.

Application materials not consistent w/ interview

Declined Interview

Declined Offer: Accepted another position at UNM

Declined Offer: Accepted position w/ other company

Declined Offer: Compensation/salary range

Declined Offer: Location of worksite

Declined Offer: Other

Declined Offer: Research Support

Department Rescinded Offer

Falsified CCC form

Insufficient administrative experience

Insufficient clinical experience

Insufficient directly related experience

Insufficient evidence of service

Insufficient past research funding

Insufficient res/pubs/creative works

Insufficient teaching experience

Less competitive based on interview performance

Pre-employment Screening: Did not complete

Pre-employment Screening: Did not pass

References: Did Not Receive Required Material

References: Unfavorable/weak/unsupportive

Unable to support candidate's research

UNM HR file review unfavorable

Withdrew: Accepted another position

Withdrew: Applied for wrong position

Withdrew: Salary Requirement Too High


Verifying self-identification information

  • For an applicant that was interviewed, select the person’s name from the Manage Applications page.

  • Under the Application tab, expand the Voluntary Affirmative Action Survey section to display the self-identification responses for the application.

  • If the applicant did not self-identify, go to next section.


Completing the DRA:

  • If the applicant did not self-identify, and was interviewed via skype or any method where there is a visual observation, go to the Summary tab and in the Application Custom Fields section select the Edit Custom Fields button.

  • Enter the appropriate values for the DRA Gender and DRA Race/Ethnicity fields and select the Save Custom Fields button.


Disposition Code and Email Notification Status

Disposition Code

Email Sent to Applicant


Voluntary WithdrawalYes, sends a different email than the other disposition codes.

Closed as DuplicateNo

Application is incomplete


Application received past deadline


Availability: Not compatible with department needs




Declined Interview


Did not show up for interview


Does not meet minimum qualifications


Failed Pre-Screening


Falsified Application/Resume


Ineligible for Rehire


Insufficient administrative experience


Insufficient clinical experience


Insufficient directly related experience


Insufficient evidence of service


Insufficient past research funding


Insufficient res/pubs/creative works


Insufficient teaching experience


Less competitive based on creative works


Less competitive based on publications


Less competitive based on research


Less competitive based on teaching evaluations


Limited subject matter expertise


Not a student


Not as qualified: Relevant education


Not as qualified: Relevant experience/skills


Not eligible to work in the U.S.


Poor quality of application material


References: Did not receive required material


Student does not have work-study awardNo
Student in non-degree statusNo
Student not enrolledNo

Unable to contact/no response


Interviewed not Hired


Use case: Applicant makes it to interview process but then is not selected, be sure to also provide one of the non selection reasons show in the list above: section 4.4 Interview: Not Hired Disposition Reason

Unable to support candidate's research


UNM HR file review unfavorable


Withdrew: Accepted another position


Withdrew: Applied for wrong position


Withdrew: No longer interested


Withdrew: Salary requirement too high


Email Notification Examples

Email Notification for Standard Disposition Code

The following email is sent to the applicant when one of the disposition codes above is selected when the applicant is move to the “Not Hired” status, except when marked "no" in the email sent to applicant column in the table above.

view email

 View Email



Thank you for your interest in employment at The University of New Mexico. Your application for JOB.TITLE (JOB.REQUISITION.ID) with JOB.OU.LOCATION.TITLE has been reviewed and you were not selected for this opportunity. We encourage you to continue visiting our website and to apply for positions that interest you. Our employment opportunities can be found at





Email Notification for Voluntary Withdrawal Disposition Code

The following email is sent when an applicant voluntarily withdraws from a requisition.

 View Email


You are receiving this email to confirm the withdrawal of your application for JOB.TITLE (requisition number JOB.REQUISITION.ID). Thank you for your interest in working at the University of New Mexico. You can find employment opportunities at




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  • Phone: 505-277-4528

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