To Cancel an Offer Letter pending approval in UNMJobs.
Note: If the offer letter is already approved please work with your faculty area consultant to cancel.
Department level Hiring Coordinators who are responsible for the administrative oversight of requisitions.
Hiring Coordinator access is managed via Hiring Coordinator role which can be requested via the Banner Authorization Requests (BAR) system.
Cancel an Offer letter
- Log in to UNMJobs.
- From the navigation bar, hover over Recruit and click Manage Requisition.
- Click the numerical value in the Applicants column.
- Click on the Applicants Name.
- Click on the Statues tab.
- Scroll down to the offer details section.
- Click View Details in the Approval category.
- A pop up window will appear, scroll to the bottom and select Cancel Approvals.
The offer letter is now cancelled, update the applicant's status to under review or dispense.
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