Cancelling a Requisition


 To cancel a requisition. 


Department level Hiring Coordinators who are responsible for the administrative oversight of requisitions.


Hiring Coordinator access is managed via Hiring Coordinator role which can be requested via the Banner Authorization Requests (BAR) system.



Cancel a Requisition

  1. From the navigation bar, hover over Recruit and click Manage Requisition.
  2. Click on the requisition title.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the requisition and update the Requisition Status to Cancelled.
  4. Click submit.
  5. A pop-up message may appear to manage the remaining applicants. 
  6. The default option is close all. Select the appropriate Disposition reason by clicking the drop down, in this case, "cancelled". Note if you select the No Change all applicants remain under review
  7. Click Submit.

The requisition is now cancelled and all applicants are dispensed.  


For questions and support concerning Main & Branch Campus Faculty contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Services:

  • Phone: 505-277-4528

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