EPAF Transaction Dates Explained

Job Effective Date:

The jobs effective date is the date the ePAF will apply in the Banner system.  This date must not be less than the last paid date as indicated on the ePAF in which you are currently working. In some cases, the effective date may be equal to the last paid date, but it can never be less than the last paid date.

Personnel Date:

The personnel date is the date that the epaf “should” happen.  In best case scenario, the personnel date and jobs effective date will be the same.


The personnel date can be used in cases where you may need to back date the epaf.  For example, if an employee is separating from the University and the last paid date has already past, then the personnel date and jobs effective date will not be equal.  In this case the jobs effective date will reflect the last paid date on the epaf in which you are currently working, and the personnel date will reflect the actual last day of employment. Caution:  overpayments will be handled through Payroll adjustments. 

How do I process back-dated EPAF?


Exempt Employee

John Doe’s last working day is June 15, 20XX.  The EPAF originator was not aware of the separation and John Doe was paid through June 30th.  


Originator will see that the last paid date on the separation epaf is June 30, 20XX.  This EPAF’s jobs effective date cannot be less than the last paid date; the EPAF originator will enter June 30, 20XX as the jobs effective date and June 15, 20XX as the personnel date.

Non Exempt Employee

Jane Smith’s last working day was July 25, 20XX.  The EPAF originator was not aware of the separation until August 5, 20XX.


Originator will see the last paid date on the separation epaf is July 27, 20XX.  This EPAF’s jobs effective date cannot be less than the last paid date; the EPAF originator will enter July 27,20XX as the jobs effective date and July 25, 20XX as the personnel date.

Last paid date:

The last paid date represents the last day of the pay period. It is systemically populated by the payroll process. 

As a rule of thumb, the last paid date is systematically populated based on the deadline for time entry processing.  See Payroll Timekeeper and Approver Schedule for time entry deadlines - https://payroll.unm.edu/mypay/pay-schedule.html 

For example, the deadline for processing exception time entry is the 20th of the month, and the deadline for processing bi-weekly payroll is the Monday after the end of the pay period.  Therefore, it is important that ALL approvals are obtained and applied prior to the time entry deadline.   

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