Frequently Asked Questions

What is an EPAF?

The electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) function allows departments to process paperless personnel actions with online administrative functionality. You will find that EPAFs are simple, concise, and allow many values to default into the document without manual entry. The EPAFS enable the University to achieve our goal to process personnel actions rapidly, through an electronic approval process, providing an audit trail of all approval/disapproval history.

What are some of the benefits of EPAFs?

The EPAF system will have tremendous impact on how we do business at the University. Below are some of the major benefits that EPAFs will provide to our customers:

  • Electronic approval routing
  • No lost PAN forms
  • Reduced processing time
  • No redundant data entry
  • Reduced data entry error

What personnel actions will be processed via an EPAF?

All personnel actions not resulting in a change of an existing classification. For example, a Career Ladder will result in a change in classification; therefore, the action will be processed through UNMJobs and not via an EPAF. Separations, FTE changes, Org Code changes, Term Extensions, are some personnel actions that do not result in a change in classification, and will be processed via an EPAF.

Who can initiate an EPAF?

Only authorized employees will access Self Service Banner (SSB) to initiate and approve EPAFs. Originators and Approvers will have to complete the specified EPAF training and request the role in the Banner Authorization Request (BAR) prior to being able to generate and/or approve an EPAF.

How many EPAF Originators and Approvers can a department have?

It is recommended to have an originator and approver Proxy in the department. Do not set up any student employees as a proxy.

Can I change an already assigned Proxy?


  • Get back into EPAF Proxy Records
  • Click on the 'Remove' box
  • 'Save'

The name is removed. Always remember to update the Proxy record of employees that leave your department by removing them from the list, as they will still have access to your approval level if you do not remove them. You will also need to remember to add any new employees to the Proxy list.

Can I process more than one action in an EPAF?

Yes, as long as there is NO future dated action already processed. For example, if a department processes an org code change effective 8/1/2011, and the same department decides to do a change in labor distribution, the labor distribution action will not go through and the originator will get an error message.

Can the Approver return an EPAF to the Originator for corrections?

Yes. EPAFs submitted by Departmental Originators to Approvers must be reviewed, approved, or returned for correction. Approvers are notified that an EPAF needs to be approved via email. Approvers are strongly encouraged to use the 'Comment' section of the EPAF, especially if they are returning an EPAF for correction.

EPAF Job Category Lookup

In the EPAF, all personnel actions have been put into categories so that originators do not have to search through a long list of actions to find the one they are processing. Instead they can select the category and view the job codes specific for that category.

For example, if the staff category is selected, then only a Staff personnel action can be entered .

Who in the core office should receive my EPAF?

See the appropriate routing list below:

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