EPAF Errors and Warnings

EPAF Errors and Warnings

ERROR: Error messages will not allow the EPAF to process to the approval level. Errors must be corrected prior to submitting the EPAF. 

WARNING: Warning messages simply deliver information, and still allow the EPAF to process successfully.

Below is a list of errors/warnings that you may encounter when submitting an EPAF. Consult the given solution in the column to the right. If you receive an error message that is not listed, please /wiki/spaces/THH/pages/48465641 for assistance.

Please Note

Error messages will appear after you attempt to submit the EPAF.  You may also receive the Warning message after saving without submitting.

Error Message


Approval Level must be first selected

In the Routing Queue section of the EPAF, the Approval Level and User ID (Net ID) must be selected prior to submitting an EPAF

The future dated job record must be deleted before ending job

The future dated job record must be removed prior to submitting a job change EPAF. Please send an email to the appropriate Employment Area for assistance. Please include the following:

 Subject: Remove future dated record

Body: Name, Banner ID, and separation date

Staff: HRPR@unm.edu

Student: stuemp@unm.edu

Faculty (Main): Faculty@unm.edu

Faculty (Main): Faculty@unm.edu

Faculty Contracts (HSC):  HSCFCO@salud.unm.edu

Effective date must be greater than last paid date

 Date cannot be after the Base Job End Date of ________.  

The effective date cannot be prior to the last paid date. If you encounter this error please adjust your effective date.

The query date(s) need to be updated before the EPAF is submitted.

User Id(s) must be entered for Routing Queue

Enter the appropriate ID for routing. 

Note:  Remember to always select EAAPPLIER as the final approval level.

Only the job status field may be changed to T on this effective date

Only separation EPAF’s can be submitted with an effective date same as last paid date.  All other EPAF’s the effective date must be greater than the last paid date.

 Percent has not been entered. Please add

Enter the appropriate percentage for the distribution.

Job Labor Distribution Total Percentages must be exactly 100%

Labor Distribution Change Error-New effective date must be greater than last date of _________.

Enter Special Rate Error-Earning Code Rate Indicator does not allow rate to be entered.

Confirm that the appropriate distributions that are entered total 100%.

With these 2 errors, the department may have used the 00 job to submit the NSP rather than the N1.  It could be that the department does not have an existing N1 job to set up.  If that is the case, the NSP form should be emailed to the faculty email for manual set up to create an N1 suffix.

Account code is required.

Enter the account code. 

New Job Labor Distribution Date should be >= query effective date

Change the query date to be greater than or equal to the effective date.

Unable to save NORTRAN record


BCAT: ST Primary Job eClass/Eff Date: FT/____________

I-9 Expire: 2018-03-14  Last Paid: 2018-01-31  Citz Code: 2

If this error occurs, it cannot be corrected, and a completely new ePAF must be submitted. To avoid this error, double check all of your input into the form before saving/submitting

PEAEMPL Errors-You need to go into Banner, PEAEMPL page and fix the benefits eligible field.

Warning Message

No active Job Assignment or Contract found within the active fiscal year for calculating salary encumbrance

*No HR action is needed*  Check with your Fiscal Agent.

You do not have access to view current values

This message occurs  IF someone does not have access to that org..  **NOTE-if you need org access please request the BAR role.

Net change in Salary encumbrance for Job Base is greater than Position Available Budget

*No HR action is needed*  Check with your Fiscal Agent.

Annual Salary is outside the Table/Grade range

*No action is needed* Salary appears to be below minimum of the grade due to the appointment percent being below 100%.

Fund terminated in the current fiscal year for 3Q101D effective 30-JUN-2015

Check with your Fiscal Agent.

Future changes exist - starting on 30-JUN-2015

*No action needed by department* HR will make necessary updates.

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