3.3. Education Verification Requirements

3.3. Education Verification Requirements


This procedure describes the documents needed to verify educational credentials for candidates selected for hire.


Verification of educational credentials is required for both external candidates and current UNM employees who are being hired into a new position to meet the following standards:

  • To demonstrate the applicant meets the position classification's minimum qualifications.
  • To confirm degree completion if a completed degree is being substituted for experience to meet the position classification's minimum requirements.
  • To confirm degree completion if the candidate is being given credit for a degree listed on a Salary Placement Equity Tool (SPET) Grid.

To verify the selected candidate’s credentials, Human Resources (HR) will utilize the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to obtain the required education verification after the hiring request is submitted for HR review.  If a degree was obtained prior to 1980, the response time from NSC may be greater than 5 business days. Verification of the highest obtained degree can be used as verification of a lower level degree. For example, education verification completion of a Master's degree can be used as verification to meet a minimum qualification of Bachelor's degree. There are circumstances in which the candidate will be required to provide education verification documents (see Frequently Asked Questions section). 

Candidates must provide education verification documents in these instances:

  • When hiring a candidate into an Accounting series position or other classification where the position classification specifies certain subject-specific courses and/or credit hours. The selected candidate must provide official transcripts in these cases.
  • If NSC cannot verify education and if college is not a participant.
  • If the position requires completion of High School Diploma or a High School Equivalency Certificate (formally known as General Education Diploma or GED)
  • For degrees obtained outside the U.S., selected candidate must provide transcripts and determination of U.S. equivalency (see Process for Requesting Third Party Verification for Degrees Obtained Outside of U.S. section below)

For current UNM employees, it is recommended that the supervisor or Hiring Coordinator review the employee's personnel file to determine if the necessary documents are already on file.

To review the file send an email request to hrfiles@unm.edu with 'Education Verification' in the subject line followed by the employee's name, employee's Banner ID, and requisition number. The requester also needs to include their title and phone number in the email. You may also send an email to staffrecruiting@unm.edu with 'Education Verification' in the subject line followed by the employee's name, employee's Banner ID, and requisition number. The requester also needs to include their title and phone number in the email.

Educational Verification Documents Accepted

Credential Being Verified By HR

If credential cannot be verified via National Student Clearinghouse, the below documents will be requested/accepted 

High School/GED

  1. Copy HS Diploma or GED(copy)
  2. Unofficial High School Transcript (copy)
  3. Official High School Transcript (copy)
  4. Unofficial or official academic transcripts from a college/university can be used to confirm completion of High School/GED.

Academic Degree

Official Academic Transcript (or copy with a seal). Must include the following information:

  • University/College name
  • Candidate’s name
  • Verify credit hours necessary to meet minimums
  • Level of education and discipline
  • Official seal of the institution on the document 

Degrees obtained outside of the United States may not be equivalent to the degrees stated in the position classification’s minimum qualifications. Additional third-party verification is required for degrees obtained outside of the United States to determine if the degree meets the stated minimum qualification.

It is the selected candidate’s responsibility to provide education verification and credential evaluation for U.S. equivalency.

Process for Requesting Third Party Verification For Degrees Obtained Outside of U.S.

About National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)

NACES® is an association of independent, nongovernmental organizations providing credential evaluation services to individuals who have completed part or all of their education outside the United States. To find a list of NACES approved credentialing services, please visit the NACES website

Purpose of Third Party Verification for Degrees Obtained Outside of U.S.

To determine U.S. equivalent of degree obtained outside of U.S. to establish if the selected candidate meets minimum qualifications or confirm appropriate credit for degree awarded on the SPET Grid.

How to Request Third Party Verification

Identify a third party provider on the NACES website and follow their verification procedures. The selected candidate may select any agency listed on the NACES website that aligns with their budget and hiring timeline. Typically, the "general evaluation" is sufficient to determine the U.S. equivalency.

Frequently Asked Questions

In what situations will HR coordinate with the candidate to provide education verification documents (subject to change, departments are encouraged to review Job Descriptions for up-to-date requirements)?

Credential needing verification

Acceptable documents to be provided by selected candidate

Completion of college-level credit hours

Official Transcripts (or copy with a seal). Must include the following Information:

  • University/College name
  • Candidate’s name
  • Verify credit hours necessary to meet minimums.
  • Level of education and discipline
  • Official seal of the institution on the document 

Contact your HR Consultant regarding questions regarding the completion of subject specific credit hours.
Academic Degree, including completion of subject- specific credit hours

Official Transcripts (or copy with seal). Must include the following information:

  • University/College name
  • Candidate’s name
  • Look for “Degree Awarded” or “Degree Conferred”
  • Verify credit hours necessary to meet minimums.
  • Level of education and discipline
  • Date awarded.
  • Official seal of the institution on the document 

Contact your HR Consultant regarding questions regarding the completion of subject specific credit hours.

How can I find out if the college/institution my candidate graduated from is a participant of NSC?

To find a list of NSC participants, click on the following link -https://www.studentclearinghouse.org/solutions/ed-verifications/ and scroll to the bottom.

  • DegreeVerify – Verifies College Degrees, click on See Full Participant List

What if education cannot be verified by NSC?

  • HR will contact the candidate to request the required documentation and include the hiring manager in the communication.

What verification document is provided by NSC?

  • NSC provides a verification certificate listing subject name, education credentials (for example: degree title, official name of school, school division and major course(s) of study) and date awarded. Grades and GPAs are not provided.

What if the department would like to give credit for 2 years of education and the candidate does not have a completed associate degree (i.e., candidate has 60 credit hours)?

  • Unofficial transcripts will be accepted to keep the hire progressing and allow HR to send the offer letter to the candidate, but official transcripts will be required. HR will monitor for official transcript until receipt.

Wouldn't the education verification change affect what is entered in the SPET?

  • SPET provides a salary range based solely on education and experience. Hiring departments should provide credit for education the applicant listed as obtained/completed on their application. It will be verified by HR upon receipt of the hiring request from the hiring department. Hiring department should specify to the candidate that salary is pending HR approval and education verification during the verbal tentative offer.

What if the education verification completed by HR does not match what the candidate listed on their application and now the candidate does not meet the minimum qualifications?

  • HR will notify the hiring department of the discrepancy and provide guidance on next steps. This may include contacting the selected candidate asking for additional documentation or information necessary to make an informed decision and contacting your HR Consultant if the additional information/documentation is not sufficient to proceed with the hire. Click on the following to find your HR Consultant.

How will HR obtain the necessary information from the selected candidate to run the education verification through NSC?

  • The candidate will be sent an Education Verification task as part of the HR onboarding process.

My selected candidate recently graduated from UNM, and I want to give credit for the education; what will HR request from the candidate since the education verification may not yet reflect their awarded degree?

  • It depends. Generally, a letter from their advisor on official letterhead indicating the graduation date and completion of degree (bachelors, masters, etc.) and its program requirements will be sufficient to provide credit and keep the hire progressing and allow HR to send the formal offer letter to the selected candidate. HR will monitor and complete the education verification process through NSC once the degree(s) are posted.

My selected candidate recently graduated and NSC cannot verify because they have a hold on their account? How will HR verify their education?

  • It depends. It should be a discussion between the hiring department and the HR Consultant. To find your HR Consultant, click here.

My question is not listed, and I need assistance.

Contact Recruitment and Staffing Services at staffrecruiting@unm.edu or an HR Analyst for assistance. Additionally, you can find the HR Analyst assigned to UNMJobs requisitions or hire requests on the Staff Requisition or Staff Hires Status links located in the Staff Resources tab in UNMJobs.

Margaret Gerhardt      Supv, Client Svcs        mgerhardt@unm.edu              505.277.4992 

Edwina Merhege         HR Analyst                 emerhege@unm.edu               505.277.6069

Nancy Heimbigner      HR Analyst                 nancyh@unm.edu                   505.277.6402

Tyra Crespin                HR Analyst                 tcrespin@unm.edu                  505.277.2894