Tracking Assistantship Contract Status
Former user (Deleted)
Paul Brault
1. Log in to MyUNM
Log in to MyUNM by visting On this page, click the "Login" button on the upper right portion of the screen.
2. Login using your NetID
Login using your NetID (email) and password through UNM's single sign on.
Select the "Employee Life" tab and click "Enter LoboWeb.
3. Go to the UNM Graduate Student Assistantship Contracts link.
Verify you are in the "Employee" tab, and then select "UNM Graduate Student Assistantship Contracts."
4. Click "View, Delete, Revise or Terminate Graduate Student Assistantship Contract"
5. Enter the desired search criteria
You can view by Banner ID, view by a specific contract number, view by last name, view a list of contracts submitted between specified dates, or view all contracts prepared by a specific originator.
Note: To see full information on the status of all your contracts, choose "Select Originator" and select your name in the drop-down menu.

6. Navigating and viewing contract status tabs
Note: To see full information on the status of all your contracts, choose "Select Originator" and select your name in the drop-down menu.
Contracts are organized under three different tabs, depending on status:
- Pending tab –This tab shows contracts that are new, pending approval, or returned for correction.
- Processed/Terminated/Revised tab – This shows contracts that have been completed, processed, terminated or revised.
- Waivers Requested tab – This tab shows only contracts for which a GPA waiver or a background check were requested when the contract data was entered. This tab is only informational.
To view the contracts under each tab, click on the appropriate tab. You can sort the contracts by clicking on the appropriate column headers. Note: this example shows the list of contracts for a given originator.
Pending Tab

Processed/Terminated/Revised Tab

Waivers Requested Tab

7. Tracking Contracts through Approval Process on Pending Tab
On the Pending tab, you can track the status of all your contracts that are awaiting action or pending approval. To do this, select your name in the "Select Originator" drop-down menu.
Note: the Location Date tells you when the contract's status last changed.
The chart below explains status messages on the Pending tab:
Pending Approval | Status | Description |
Awaiting Action | New | Contract has been started by originator and data has been saved. Contract is NOT yet submitted for approval. Click on contract number to edit and/or to submit for approval. |
Chair/PI/Dept Approval | Approvals | Contract is awaiting approval by department approver. No changes allowed. |
Student Approval | Approvals | Contract has been approved by department approver. It is now awaiting acceptance by student. No changes allowed. (Note: tuition index changes and terminations bypass Student Approval and go directly to GS approval below.) |
GS Approval | Approvals | Contract has been approved by department approver and accepted by student (except tuition index changes and terminations, which bypass Student Approval). It is now under review at the Office for Academic Personnel and awaiting final approval. No changes allowed. |
Awaiting Action | Returned | Contract has been returned by one of the approvers. See below for more information on returned contracts. The contract is not approved and you must take further action to either correct and resubmit or delete the contract. |
8. Returned Contracts
A contract can be returned at any point in the approval process by the applicable approver. When a contract is returned, you will see its status on the Pending tab is "Returned." You will also see text in the "Reject/Return Reason" column explaining the reason the contract was returned. An email will also be automatically generated to alert you.
For more information, click on the contract ID number. You will see a new tab called "Returns Log." Click on the tab to view the returns log. The log provides the date and time the contract was rejected/returned, the Net ID of the user who returned the contract, and the return/reject reason.
A returned contract is not approved and you MUST take action in order to resolve the issue. You should take one of three actions, as appropriate: 1) delete the contract (see below); 2) submit the contract again for approval after issues have been resolved; 3) make edits to the contract and then submit the contract again for approval.
9. Deleting a Contract that has not been approved
You may delete a contract if it has not yet been submitted for approval, or if it has been returned.
1. Use the "View, Delete, Revise or Terminate Graduate Student Assistantship Contract" feature to search for the contract. Click on the appropriate Contract ID number. On the "Assistantship Type" tab of the appropriate contract, click "DELETE CONTRACT."
2. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the contract. If so, click "YES DELETE;" otherwise, click "RESET/DO NOT DELETE."
3. You will receive a confirmation that the contract has been deleted.
10. Viewing Processed/Approved Contracts
Once a contract has been approved by OAP, it will no longer be visible on the Pending tab. Instead, you will find the contract on the "Processed/Terminated/Revised" tab.
Below is a list of status messages on the "Processed/Revised/Terminated" tab:
Status | Description |
Completed | Contract has been approved by the Office for Academic Personnel. Status will update to "Processed" after nightly EPAF/Financial Aid updates have been completed. |
Processed | Contract has been fully processed. Contract may be revised or terminated at this stage. |
Revised | Contract has been revised by department originator. See job aid on Revisions and Terminations for more information. |
Terminated | Contract has been terminated by department originator and termination has been processed by the Office for Academic Personnel. See job aid on Revisions and Terminations for more information. |
Once a contract has been approved, you can view the contract data by searching for the contract and/or clicking on the appropriate contract number in your originator list. You will notice a message saying "Active Contract" at the top of the screen.
On the Assistantship Type tab, you will also notice a button labeled "View Contract," which allows you to view and print the approved contract. (Use your browser's back button to return to the Assistantship Type tab.)
A contract that has been processed can no longer be returned for correction. To make any changes to a contract that is on the "Processed/Terminated/Revised" tab, you will need to either make a revision or a termination. Changes can only be made to a contract that is in "Processed" status, not in "Revised" or "Terminated" status. Please see job aid "Revise or Terminate Assistantship Contracts" for more information.