Revise or Terminate Assistantship Contracts

Revise or Terminate Assistantship Contracts

Revise or Terminate Assistantship Contracts

1. Log in to MyUNM 

  Log in to MyUNM by visting http://my.unm.edu/home. On this page, click the "Login" button on the upper right portion of the screen.

2. Login using your NetID

Login using your NetID (email) and password through UNM's single sign on.

Select the "Employee Life" tab and click "Enter LoboWeb.

3. Go to the UNM Graduate Student Assistantship Contracts link.

Verify you are in the "Employee" tab, and then select "UNM Graduate Student Assistantship Contracts."

4. Click "View, Delete, Revise or Terminate Graduate Student Assistantship Contract"

5. Enter the desired search criteria

You can view by Banner ID, view by a specific contract number, view by last name, view a list of contracts submitted between specified dates, or view all contracts prepared by a specific originator. Click on the contract ID number for the contract you want to revise or terminate.

6. Inserting a revision

On the Assistantship Type tab of the applicable contract, click the "Revise Contract" button.

You will be asked to confirm that you want to insert a revision for the contract. To confirm, click "CREATE REVISION;" otherwise, click "GO BACK."

7. Note tabs.

You will notice that there are now two accounting tabs, "Previous Accounting" and "Revised Accounting."

A: Revised Accounting tab is where you will submit revised contract information.

B: Previous Accounting tab has the version prior to the latest revisions. This information is provided for reference; you cannot enter changes on this tab.

8: Note revision numbers.

Tabs also contain revision numbers. When a revision is made, the number goes up by 1.

Use the Previous Accounting tab to refer to the original documentation.

When tracking the status of the revised contract, you will refer to the revised contract number (e.g. 202-01, 202-02, 202-03, etc).

9: Make revisions

You can now enter, save and submit any needed revisions on the Revised Accounting tab.

Note: be sure to save any information entered on the Revised Accounting tab before returning to the Previous Accounting tab, otherwise the information you entered will be lost. Do not open a second browser window to compare contract data!

Refer to "Examples of Common Revisions" below for more information on how to process common revisions.

General Tips for Assistantship Contract Revisions 


1. Do not create a new contract if a revision to a currently existing contract will suffice. Job extensions (i.e. extending the dates of an assistantship assignment with the same job title) should be processed by revising the existing contract. Modifications to a current contract (e.g. changing appointment percent, salary, tuition, etc. within the existing contract dates) must also be processed by revision. A new contract, with a different contract number, should only be created for a) a new hire in your department; b) hiring a student under a new job title that has not previously been used (e.g. changing from GA to RA); or c) adding an additional appointment (e.g. two TA contracts concurrently active).

2. Whenever you insert a revision, the "Begin Date" and "End Date" fields on the "Revised Accounting" tab are automatically cleared. Make sure you enter the appropriate dates for the revision (see examples below for guidance on what dates to use for different types of common revisions).


3. You cannot enter a "Begin Date" or an "End Date" on the "Revised Accounting" tab that is earlier than today's date. Retroactive changes are not permitted! Select a future start date for the revision, allowing time for processing according to published deadlines: https://oap.unm.edu/deadlines/index.html.


4.  You will need to review the tuition section for every revision. If you are making a revision during the current term and don't intend any changes to tuition, make sure to re-enter information as needed to make it match the previous information. Otherwise, enter any appropriate changes. Note that any changes to or removal of tuition you enter on the Revised Accounting tab will overwrite previous tuition information within the applicable semester dates.


5. For any revision, always provide a detailed explanation of the nature and rationale of the change in the "justification" field near the bottom of the "Revised Accounting" tab. This information is necessary for OAP review.


6. Always remember that after saving information on the "Revised Accounting" tab, you MUST click the "Submit for Approvals" button in order to submit the change for processing.


Examples of Common Revisions

A. Change in Appointment Percent

B. Salary Change

C. Job Extension or Rehire

D. Tuition Change and/or Tuition Index Change

E. Additional Job

F. Salary index change only

G. Changing Department Approver

A. Change in Appointment Percent

1. Enter the "Begin Date" and "End Date." ("Begin Date" should reflect the date the appointment percent change is effective, but cannot be earlier than today's date. Revisions must be submitted in advance according to published deadlines; see deadlines on OAP website, https://oap.unm.edu/deadlines/index.htm. "End Date" should reflect the end date of the contract and cannot be earlier than the "Start Date.")

2. Modify the "Rate," "Appointment %", and "Override 20 hrs/week maximum" fields as needed. If the appointment percent change is the result of a change in duties, you should also revise the "Duties" field as needed. (Note: a change in appointment percent should be accompanied by a proportionate change in salary. You will need to modify the "Rate" field with the appropriate salary.)

3. Check the Tuition section of the contract for accuracy. Re-enter the appropriate field(s) and make any other needed changes.

Note: any changes to tuition information will overwrite previous information.

4. Remove any justification comments from previous revisions and enter the reason for the appointment percent change in the "Justification" field. An appointment percent change cannot be considered without appropriate justification.

5. When changes have been made, click the "Save Changes" button.

6. Click the "Submit for Approvals" button.

B. Salary Change

1. Enter the "Begin Date" and "End Date." ("Begin Date" should reflect the date the appointment percent change is effective, but cannot be earlier than today's date. Revisions must be submitted in advance according to published deadlines; see deadlines on OAP website, https://oap.unm.edu/deadlines/index.htm. "End Date" should reflect the end date of the contract and cannot be earlier than the "Start Date.")

2. Modify the "Rate" field as needed. If the salary change is a result of a change in job duties, you should also modify the "Job Duties" field as needed.

3. Check the Tuition section of the contract for accuracy. Re-enter the appropriate field(s) and make any other needed changes.

Note: any changes to tuition information will overwrite previous information.

4. Remove any justification comments from previous revisions and enter the reason for the salary change in the "Justification" field. A salary change cannot be considered without appropriate justification.

5. When changes have been made, click the "Save Changes" button.

6. Click the "Submit for Approvals" button.

C. Job Extension or Rehire

1. Enter the "Begin Date" and "End Date." ("Begin Date" should reflect the date the appointment percent change is effective, but cannot be earlier than today's date. Revisions must be submitted in advance according to published deadlines; see deadlines on OAP website, https://oap.unm.edu/deadlines/index.htm. "End Date" should reflect the end date of the contract and cannot be earlier than the "Start Date.")

2. Make any needed changes to the job extension or rehire for the new period (rate, appointment %, duties, labor distribution, etc.). Pay special attention to the Tuition section, making sure to enter or revise tuition information for the appropriate term(s). Remove any tuition information from term(s) that have already ended.

3. If the job extension or rehire is being submitted past the deadline or involves a petition, enter a detailed justification in the Justification field. Remove any previous justification comments that are no longer needed.

4. When changes have been made, click the "Save Changes" button.

5. Click the "Submit for Approvals" button.

D. Tuition change and/or tuition index change
1. Enter the "Begin Date" and "End Date." ("Begin Date" should reflect the date the appointment percent change is effective, but cannot be earlier than today's date. Revisions must be submitted in advance according to published deadlines; see deadlines on OAP website, https://oap.unm.edu/deadlines/index.htm. "End Date" should reflect the end date of the contract and cannot be earlier than the "Start Date.")

2. Modify the "Index," "Dissert Only," "Credit Hrs,"  "Additional Program & Course Fees," and "Term" fields as needed. You may enter tuition payments for multiple semesters on separate lines if the student is being hired for multiple semesters. You may also split tuition hours between different indexes by entering multiple lines of tuition for the same semester (e.g. 4 hours on index 000001, 5 hours on index 000002). If you need to correct or change a line of tuition information, modify the applicable fields as needed. To remove a line of tuition information, delete all data entered in Index, Credit Hours, and Additional Program & Course Fees fields, uncheck Dissert Only if needed, and set the Term to "—Select a Term—."

Note: any changes to or removal of tuition information will overwrite previous information within the dates of the applicable term.

3. Remove any previous justification comments that are no longer needed. Enter the reason for the tuition or tuition index change in the "Justification" field. A tuition change cannot be considered without appropriate justification.

4. When changes have been made, click the "Save Changes" button.

5. Click the "Submit for Approvals" button.

E. Additional Job

To make an additional job (i.e. an additional appointment concurrent with another currently active contract), do NOT use the revision process. Instead, create a new contract using the "Generate New Graduate Student Asisstantship Contract" feature, if the job title does not already exist on another contract. This will create a new contract with a different contract ID number which you will track through the approval process as usual. Note that when you create an additional job with a different contract ID number, any tuition information you enter will be added to tuition waivers already processed on other contracts.

F. Salary index change only

To make a change to the salary index only (NO other changes to the contract), do NOT use the revision process. Instead submit a labor redistribution EPAF or PHAREDS, as appropriate. 

G. Changing Department Approver


1.  Go to the “Assistantship Type” tab of the applicable contract.

2.  In the “Chair/PI/Dept Approver” field, select the appropriate approver from the drop-down list.

3.  Click the “Save Changes” button on the “Assistantship Type” tab.

You must click the Save Changes button on the “Assistantship Type” tab.

4. Make any further changes needed to the contract, e.g. on the “Accounting” tab.

5. When changes have been made, click the “Save Changes” button on the “Accounting” tab.

6. Click the “Submit for Approvals” button.

10. Checking contract status on revisions

When you check contract status, you'll notice the revised contract is now on your pending tab as a separate contract (e.g. 123-01) and will be tracked through the approval process as usual. The original contract that was revised (e.g. 123-00) will be on your "Processed/Terminated/Revised" tab with a status of REVISED. You can view the revised contract for information purposes, but it can no longer be revised or terminated.

11. Terminating a Processed Contract

You can terminate a contract that is currently active and has a status of "Processed." (For contracts that have not been processed and are awaiting action, see "Delete Contract.")

A. Use the "View, Delete, Revise or Terminate Graduate Student Assistantship Contract" feature to search for the appropriate contract; click on the contract ID number. On the "Assistantship Type" tab of the contract, click the "Terminate Contract" button.

B. Enter the termination reason and the termination effective date in the boxes provided. (NOTE: termination effective date should be the actual date the student will stop working. Pay will be calculated based on the termination effective date. If the student will not work at all on this contract, the termination effective date should be the same as the start date). Note: A termination effective date may be entered that is before today's date, if needed; however, terminations should be submitted in advance if at all possible.

Make sure all information is correct. If you are sure you want to terminate the contract, click "YES TERMINATE." Otherwise, click "RESET/DO NOT TERMINATE."

C. You will get a confirmation screen indicating that the contract has been submitted for Termination approval. The contract termination will be routed directly to the Office for Academic Personnel for review; it does not go through the Chair/PI/Dept Approval or Student Approval process.

D. You can track the status of contract terminations as usual on your Pending tab. (NOTE: terminations bypass both PI/Dept/Chair and Student Approval and are submitted directly to GS approval for review.) You may be contacted by OAP with a request for further information or documentation about the termination. If a termination request is returned by OAP, you will receive an email explaining the reason for rejection. The contract status will be changed back to "Processed." To resubmit the termination with corrections if needed, complete the termination process over again.

E. Once the termination is approved byOAP, you will see the contract move to the "Processed/Terminated/Revised tab" with the Status changed to "Terminated." (No further changes can be made to a contract in "Terminated" status.)