To Submit the UNMTemps request in UNMJobs
- From the Navigation bar, hover over Recruit and click Manage Requisition.

- Click Options, Add Requisition

- Click
on the Job Title field. - In the 'Search Position Class' pop-up, select the appropriate job title for your position.
- You can do this either by typing in the Title and/or ID or searching though the list of folders.
- Click
on the Requisition Template field and select the appropriate Requisition Template ('Description = 'UNMTemp Services Requisition Template') - Display Job Title: Working Title (title you want shown for external applicants / for advertisement)
- Employment Area: Leave as the default - UNMTemps
- Click
on the Primary Location field and select your hiring department by putting in the Org code. - Employment Type: Staff
- Compensation: Hourly / Monthly
- Range: Minimum to midpoint salary range. Ensure that the Range is accurate in relation to the Compensation type (i.e. $24,219.35 - $35,110.40 is not an accurate Hourly pay range.)
- Applicant View Salary: Minimum to midpoint salary range in relation to the Salary Grade of the position
- Position Class Compensation will auto-populate from the Position Class
- Position Class Minimum Qualifications: Auto-populates
- Select if position is Exempt / Non-Exempt
- LoboTime Clock Only User: Check if applicable
- Staff Type: Temporary Full-Time or Temporary Part-Time
- Background Check Required: Yes / No
- Campus: Select from dropdown
- Enter Appointment Percent in whole numbers (i.e. 25, 75, 100)
- Posting Type: Select from dropdown menu.
- Non-Competitive Exception: Optional
- Conditions of Employment: Auto-populates
- Application Instructions: Follow the instruction listed in the textbox.
- Advertising Resources: Follow the instructions listed in the textbox.
- Enter Primary Index for Recruitment Costs, if applicable
- Enter Department Contact Name (Last, First)
- Enter Department Contact E-mail
- Enter Department Contact Phone
- Comments: Enter any information specifically for the UNMTemps Employment Area.
- Position Class: Auto-populates
- Position Class Title: Auto-populates
- Staff Type: Select from drop-down menu
- Salary Grade will auto-populate from the Position Class
- Additional Requirements for this position: i.e. travel required, special hours, items unique to department and position
- HR Consultant: Select from drop-down menu
- Position Number: Enter the appropriate TS--- position number
- Request By Name = Yes / No
- If Yes: Enter Name of Temp Requested and Email of Temp Requested
- Select correct Campus from dropdown menu
- Work Schedule / Days / Shift: Enter work schedule information (i.e. Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm)
- Length of Assignment: Amount of days / months of assignment
- Potential Temp to Hire?: Yes / No
- Enter Supervisor Name (Last, First): The individual that is responsible for time-keeping of employees.
- Enter Supervisor UNM ID
- Enter Position "Reports To" Name (Last, First): The individual that the employee will report to.
- Enter Position "Reports To" UNM ID
- Enter Labor Index Code
- Enter Labor Account Code: 20P0
- Required Approvers (Last, First): Enter required approver(s) (i.e. Department Approver) as designated by the department, that must view the Requisition prior to it being posted to the external career site.
- Applicant Reviewers (Last, First): Enter individuals that are assigned to review endorsed candidates / applicant pool.
- Description and Qualifications Section
- Description: Will default from Job Description, customize for your department needs.
- You must enter your Position Summary in both the internal and external tabs
- Qualifications: Enter preferences under 'Minimum' tab. Do not use the 'Ideal' tab.
- Note: Please be as detailed as possible for competitive requests, as this information helps UNMTemps Recruitment Specialists in our search to find top-qualified candidates.
- Hiring Team Section
- Requisition Owner/Primary Owner (Whoever is managing UNMTemps)
- Applicant Reviewers Section
- Hiring Manager List individual from department who is viewing applications.
- Reviewers List individuals who are also reviewing applications.
- Interviewers List individuals who will be on the interview team.
- Attachments: Attach any required documentation (i.e. Recruitment plan, Required approvals EVP, Dean/Director, HR)
- If the job title that you are submitting for does not exist within your org, you will need to attach approval document from HR Consultant / Compensation.
- Approvals: Add your department required approvals. Ensure that UNMTemps Approver is listed as the final approver.
- To add UNMTemps as an Approver - Click on Approvals, Click on User, Click Add, Click on
Enter Approver in Last Name field and UNMTemps in First Name field and search. Select Approver, UNMTemps. - Requisition
- Requisition ID Automatically populated
- Priority Make selection of High, Medium or Low
- Openings: Indicate the number of temps that you are requesting.
- Target Hire Date: Select your target start date
- Once all applicable fields are completed, select Submit Request.
Once UNMTemps receives your request, we will:
- Review your request
- Post the requisition to the career site / career center after all required approvals have been obtained