EOS Onboarding System (EOS)

Rehires, PROMC, PROMNC will not create a new PEAEMPL record. We need to update Current Hire and Org after it loads.


Use the automated Employee Onboarding System (EOS) pages/tabs and workflow to validate or correct information coming over from CSOD Talent Management System and insert the data into Banner employee forms.


Employment Area staff responsible for Banner data entry of employee and job records.


 Must have the Recruitment Administrator Role


If this an ADDJB, verify FTE amounts do not exceed to 70 FTE.
Graduate students with GS job, need to notify of hours can work.



  1. Log into Workflow (sharc.unm.edu), go to Workflow - BANP
    1. Using your UNM credentials, log into Workflow once a day. New Data is imported from TMS at 12:00PM (available ~ 1:30PM) and 7:00PM every day so workflows will only be created twice a day.

You will notice you are not prompted to log into the EOS pages when you have already logged in to some other application using Central Authentication Service (CAS). If any of your UNM sessions using CAS have timed out, you will be prompted to log in again.

    1. Workflow opens to a Worklist page. (Worklist items are ordered in the following format: UNMJobs, Employment Area, Start Date, EClass, Hiring Department & Org, Title & Position Name, Applicant Name, and Req#)

    1. EOS Approver 1 will be validating records in "Initial Data Validation" status
      1. To identify records in this status, Go to the Search box at the bottom of the page
      2. In Activity Name, enter %Initial%

a. If there are actions to process, they will be listed as links in the Worklist column. If there are no actions to process, the Worklist column will be empty. b.Sort by date by clicking Created in the Workflow heading. Work on the oldest to newest records.
To flag a record as Urgent so that EOS Approver 2 can give this record priority, click on the magnifying glass next to the Created date. In the Priority drop-down box, select Urgent, then Start . Proceed with Initial Validation.

  1. After you have filtered the records that require Initial Data Validation and sorted by Created date, click on the link of a worklist item.


Initial Data Validation (EOS Approver 1)

Before you start: If you start validating a record and you need to leave before you complete your validation, you need to release the record back into the Workflow. If you try to open a workflow and you are given a message that the record is Reserved, it means that the record was not released and is in someone else's queue.

Matching Tab

  1. For External Employees: You will need to validate all of the information from the EDF. If any fields are blank, you will need to enter (or copy and paste) the information and click the Refresh button

    1. Verify that the information matches
      1. SSN
      2. Banner ID
      3. Net ID
      4. First Name
      5. Middle Name (full middle name vs initial is ok)
      6. Last Name
      7. DOB
      8. Email address (may have additional emails)
    2. If the bolded information above does not match, you will need to do some research (look at I-9 documents, documentation, PPAIDEN, etc.) to determine the correct information.
    3. If the SSN in TMS is different that Banner, you will need to verify the correct SSN (I-9 documents, SS Card, etc.). If you have to update it in EOS, you will need to update it on the General Person tab. In addition, you will need to make a comment in SPACMNT and note the document you used to update the record.
    4. If all of the bolded information is correct, go to the General Person tab.


  1. For Internal Employees: The Initial Data Validation work item link will open up on the Matching tab of the EOS. You will need to validate the information on this screen. If any fields are blank, you will need to enter (or copy and paste) the information and click the Refresh button

The General Person and Emergency Contact tab will already be completed and will not allow you to make any updates.

  1. The Matching tab displays four columns of data:
    1. TMS data column
      1. For internal employees, this column will be blank because they do not complete the EDF.
      2. For external employees, this information will load from the EDF in TMS.


General Person Tab – External Employees

  1. Once the Matching is done, click on the General Person tab. (This tab is not editable for Internal Employees)
    1. Confirm Banner ID, NetID, and SSN are correct along the top. If SSN field is blank, add SSN; you can copy and paste from Matching tab

    1. SSN Notes:
      1. International students may have a number that begins with 999. Use this number for matching purposes. If the student has an SSN, please make a copy of the SS card, update in PPAIDEN and document in SPACMNT.
      2. If a U.S citizen/Resident does not enter their SSN on the EDF, you will need to enter the number from the Matching tab


    1. Click Save to save the information or click Confirm to save the information which adds a check mark to the tab to show that it's complete.

Emergency Contact Tab – External Employees

  1. Click on Emergency Contact tab – (This tab is not editable for Internal Employees)
    1. You do not need to update this page. It can be blank.
    2. Click Save to save the information as you are working, or click Confirm to save the information and mark the page as complete (adds a check mark to the tab).

Employee Tab – Must complete for all employees

  1. Click on the Employee tab.

  1. Verify Work Study Type.
    1. If a Student Employment Job, it should be blank
    2. If a Work-Study job, it should be the correct type (either Federal or State)
    3. If this information differs from the position number in the Jobs tab, you will need to change it.


  1. Leave Employee Group blank.


  1. IPEDS Primary Function will be highlighted in Red –
    1. Select None from the drop-down menu
    2. Click Save, then Confirm to save the information and mark the page as complete (adds a check mark to the tab)

Note: *If this is a New Hire, the dates (Current Hire, First Hire, Adj. Service, Senority, and First Work) may be changed by the Employment Area by changing the start date on the *Job tab

Job Tab

  1. Click on the Job tab.


  1. Compare information from the Default Offer Letter. In the Position Detail section, check:

    1. Position Detail
      1. Position Number – from Offer Details
        1. If you have to change the Position Number, you need to go back to the Employee tab and verify that the Work/Study Type is correct.
        2. If the Position Number is highlighted in Red, it means that it does not match to the Hiring Org. Edit the appropriate fields to match the Offer Details in TMS.


      1. Position Class – Needs to match the Position Title (not editable). In most cases of most EAs, this should not be changed.
        1. (Add position class and titles)
      2. Manager ID – Update this only if the Reports To has, for some reason, changed. If it is blank, contact the department as the Supervisor may have left since the Hiring Request was created.
    1. Base Job section.
      1. Begin Date: Must be the same as the Personnel Date in the Job Information section below


      1. End Date: All students hired through UNMJobs must have an end date:


        1. Non work-study Employees (domestic students)
          1. End date can be almost any future date unless there is a Graduation Date in SHADEGR
        2. Work study students
          1. Check the Aid year in RPAAWRD to determine end date
          2. [add screenshot]
            1. If FA, then last day of fall semester
            2. If FASP, then last day of spring semester
            3. If the aid year includes summer (S1, S2, etc), then the last day of the summer before the first fall pay period begins
        3. Students who submit temporary documents such as temporary DL and IDs or letters from SSA
          1. 90 days after the start date
        4. International students
          1. End date is the earliest expiration date on their documents (passport AND I-20 or DS2019)
        5. Students with Employment Authorization Card
          1. End date is expiration date
        6. Students with an upcoming graduation date
          1. End date is one day prior to Graduation date on SHADEGR


      1. Probation/Trial End Date – 60 days after start date of this job
        1. Rehires, Promotions, Add Jobs should all have a Probation Date


      1. Contract Type – Primary or Secondary
        1. If this is a student's 2nd or 3rd job through Student Employment, select Secondary
        2. If the student has a job through Graduate Studies, select Secondary
          1. Note: The Graduate Studies job must be Primary so that their insurance charges to the correct position.


      1. Skip Contract Start and Contract End Date – must be blank


    1. Job Information Section

      1. Job Suffix: Will be 00 unless the student has an additional job in the same Hiring Org
      2. Personnel Date: Must be the same as the Begin Date in the Base Job section
      3. Hiring Department:
      4. Shift: should always be 1 for students
      5. LoboTime Clock-only User: Currently, this is not loading from TMS; please review the Default Offer Letter to determine if you need to change the N to Y.
      6. Exempt/Nonexempt:
        1. Biweekly is Nonexempt
        2. Monthly is Exempt
      7. Job Employee Class: Verify it is UB
      8. Appt. Percent: must be 70 or below
        1. If the student has more than one job, this needs to be less; hopefully it was calculated during verification of employment
        2. If this was not verified, you will need to do research and update it
      9. Salary/Hourly Rate: Cannot be blank
      10. Factor, Number of Pays, Hours/Pay, Deferred Pay Code, and Earnings Cancel (not editable)
      11. Supervisor ID: if this appears in Red, contact the department as the Supervisor may have left since the Hiring Request was created.
      12. Supervisor Name and email: should be visible
      13. Job Change Reason: from Default Offer Letter


    1. Payroll section.
      1. Adjustment Reason – If you select something other than "no" then it requires a reason in the text box. Since we are not backdating, we should not be using this section very often. Use of this field triggers a Payroll audit. Do not use unless absolutely necessary.

                    Codes – Used to indicate who created the error that will result in a Payroll Adjustment:

1EMPL – Employee error

3DPT – Dept error

4EDC – Employment Area error

5DAE – Dept and Employment Area error

      1. Employment Area Comments – Enter only when an adjustment reason is selected.  Please be thorough and explain in detail.  

      2. NBAJOBS Comments - enter any comments for payroll


    1. Finance Information section
      1. Verify Job Labor Index and Job Labor Account are correct. If the Job Labor Index is Red, it means it is invalid. You will need to contact the department for a valid Index.
      2. Click Save to save the information as you are working, or click Confirm to save the information and mark the page as complete (adds a check mark to the tab).

Notes Tab

  1. Use this tab to make notes for yourself or others in your office. These notes remain in EOS and are not written to Banner. Payroll wants to know who is completing Initial and Final Validation in case they have questions.
    1. Copy the following into the Notes:

Initial Validation:
Final Validation:

    1. Type your initials after Initial Validation.
    2. Click Save

Initial EOS Review and Submission

  1. Initial EOS Review and Submission Steps
    1. Verify that all tabs are confirmed. This is indicated by a checkmark on each tab to the right of the text.
    2. Click the Submit Initial Data Validation button on the top right hand side;
    3. You will receive the following message:
    4. Click OK

Final Data Validation (EOS Approver 2)

  1. Log into Workflow (sharc.unm.edu), go to Workflow - BANP
    1. Using your UNM credentials, log into Workflow once a day. New Data is imported from TMS at 12:00PM (available ~ 1:30PM) and 7:00PM every day so workflows will only be created twice a day.

You will notice you are not prompted to log into the EOS pages when you have already logged in to some other application using Central Authentication Service (CAS). If any of your UNM sessions using CAS have timed out, you will be prompted to log in again.

  1. Workflow opens to a Worklist page. (Worklist items are ordered in the following format: UNMJobs, Employment Area, Start Date, EClass, Hiring Department & Org, Title & Position Name, Applicant Name, and Req#)


  1. EOS Approver 2 will be validating records in "Final Data Validation" status
    1. First, identify any records in Urgent status. Go to the Search box at the bottom of the page
      1. In Priority, select the Urgent box and click Search

If there are actions to process, they will be listed as links in the Worklist column. If there are no actions to process, the Worklist column will be empty.
b. Next, to identify records in Final Data Validation status, go to the Search box at the bottom of the page

      1. In Activity Name, enter %final%

a. If there are actions to process, they will be listed as links in the Worklist column. If there are no actions to process, the Worklist column will be empty. b.Sort by date by clicking Created in the Workflow heading. Work on the oldest to newest records.

Matching Tab


  1. When you select the first record to validate, you will notice that the General Person and Emergency Contact tab are confirmed and will not allow you to make any updates.

  1. Copy and paste the SSN into the blank field, click Refresh and verify the information matches


General Person Tab (skip - cannot edit)

Emergency Contact Tab (skip - cannot edit)

Employee and Job Tab – Validate the same information as EOS Approver 1

Final EOS Review and Submission

  1. Final EOS Review and Submission Steps
    1. Verify that all tabs are confirmed. This is indicated by a checkmark on each tab to the right of the text.
    2. Click the Submit Final Data Validation button on the top right hand side;
    3. You will receive the following message:
    4. Click OK

Return to Workflow

EPAF Errors and/or Warnings in Worklist

  1. Warnings; will post; Errors will stop to EPAF from loading. Example

  1. Click Complete

Follow up after record loaded into Banner
After the EPAF has loaded into Banner, you will need to do the following:
New Hires:

  • EOS creates the PEAEMPL record but you must enter I-9 information


  • EOS does not update PEAEMPL. You will need to update the Current Hire Date with the Start Date of the new assignment
  • Since there has been a break of employment, the student should have completed a new I-9. Update PEAEMPL with the new I-9 information


  • EOS does not update PEAEMPL. You will need to update the Current Hire Date with the Start Date of the new assignment (is this current process?)
  • Verify that a new Probation date has been generated in the Base Job Record in NBAJOBS

Add Jobs:

  • EOS does not update PEAEMPL. You do not need to update anything in PEAEMPL.




ERROR IN NZKCSOD.P_MAINTAIN_PERSON_BIO_INFO = -20110: ORA-20110: ERROR - SSN can not be deleted. ORA-06512: at "UNM.GT_SPBPERS_BUR_Z", line 325 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'UNM.GT_SPBPERS_BUR_Z'

Enter SSN in General Person Tab

ERROR IN GB_IDENTIFICATION.P_UPDATE = -20100: ORA-20100: ::Last Name is required.::::First Name is required for a Person Entity.::

Enter Current Name in General Person tab

Final Validation

Leave above screen open
Go into Self Service
Sign in as SuperUser
Search by Transaction Number
Click Return for Correction
Click Update
Make changes
Make Comments – indicate the changes you made
Click Save, then Submit
Return to Onboarding tab with the Error
Click Complete

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