Review Application Materials - Student (with Screenshots)

Reviewer/Interviewer Guide (equivalent to Screening Committee/Search Committee)

  • Log into  (Do not use Microsoft Edge)
  • Under UNM Business Applications, select UNMJobs.

  • Log in using your netID and password.

  • Hover over the Recruit menu.
  • Select Review Applicants from the drop down.

  • Find the title of the requisition/posting being reviewed in the Job column.
  • Click the number listed in the Applicants column for the title. This number represents the number of people who have applied.

  • In the Job Details screen, all applicants will be listed individually. Click the name of the applicant to review.

  • Click the Documents tab.

  • In the Documents tab, all Applicant Documents and Attachments will be listed.
  • Click the icon, in the Options column, to open the documents.

  • A pop-up box will appear to open or save the pdf document.

  • The document will appear in a pop-up box. Continue to review all attached documents for the specific applicant.

  • After reviewing all documents for the individual applicant, click the Statuses tab.
  • Check the Reviewed box, then click Save.

  • To return to the list of applicants for further review, click Manage Applicants.

  • Continue reviewing all applicants on the list.
  • To return to the page where the title of the requisition/posting being reviewed is listed, click Review Applicants.

  • If applications are still being accepted, check back frequently to see new applicants. The number listed in the Applicants column will change as new applications are submitted.

  • To log out, click the gear icon then click Log Out.