Resident Physician EPAF Procedures to Pay Extra Compensation

UNM School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Education

EPAFS are submitted to pay extra compensation to Resident Physicians (RPs). Extra compensation can be paid for various reasons and varies by program such as extra shifts covered, moonlighting, wellness funds, awards, chief resident duties, etc. EPAFs are usually submitted the month after the rotation occurred, with some exceptions for departing RPs.  EPAFs require supporting documentation (work schedule, pay rates, resident positions, and/or award agreements).

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


EPAF Entry Procedure


NSP EPAF Deadlines


Requesting a New Suffix


Routing Queue Set Up


Banner (BAR) Roles

EPAF Entry Procedure

Login to On the Employee Life tab click on “Enter LoboWeb.” This will prompt the authentication process.

On the Employee tab click on “Electronic Personnel Action Forms”


Click on “New EPAF” to start a new transaction. If you want to return to a previously started EPAF you can click on “EPAF Originator Summary”


Enter Banner ID (9 digit number) for RP.

Change the auto-populated query date to the first day of the month the NSP payment is to begin. For example: If the NSP should pay out in October enter 10/01/2022.

NSPs should not be backdated, they are only to be paid on a current or future pay period.

Approval Category – Resident Physician Extra Comp JS0030

Click “Go”


Click “All Jobs.” This will pull data on jobs the RP has had at the University, including non-RP jobs and additional suffixes. Select button as indicated below:

  • Type – Overload

  • Position - RP0001 Resident Physician

  • Suffix – N# (N1, N2, N3, etc)

    • Only select an N# with a PAST Last Paid Date posted.

    • DO NOT USE “NL” or “00” suffix. These are for GME and HR use only.

  • Status – Terminated

    • DO NOT USE if it has an Active status! This means an EPAF was already submitted on that suffix for the current pay-period and you will override that data. Use next Terminated N# suffix.  If there is not one available, request one from GME Fiscal (See “Requesting a New Suffix” Section).

Click “Go”

Complete all enterable fields as indicated:

Resident Physician NSP, RP0001-N#

  • Jobs Effective Date – First day of the month of payment

    • For example: For payment in October you would enter 10/01/2022

  • Personnel Date – First day of the month of payment

  • All others auto populate

Job End Dates (general)

  • Jobs Effective Date – Last day of the month of payment

    • For example: For payment in October you would enter 10/31/2022

  • Personnel Date – Last day of the month of payment, 10/31/2022 in this example


Enter Special Rate

  • Effective Date – First day of the month of payment

  • Earnings Code – 021 Resident Extra Comp

    • Use code 210 for awards and prizes such as publication incentives

  • Hours or Units – 1

  • Special Rate – Dollar amount to be paid this pay period

    • Paying $1,200 in the example below

  • End Date – First day of the following month

    • For example: For payment in October you would enter End Date 11/01/2022 as the first day of the following month

  • Click “Save and Add New Rows” to save progress

Labor Distribution Change

  • COA – “U”

  • Index – Enter paying index

  • Account – 20F0, always used for resident compensation

  • Percent – 100

    • Percentage can be split between multiple indices. Total should add up to 100

  • Click “Save and Add New Rows.” Fund, Org, program and Activity will auto populate after saving

Routing Queue (See “Routing Queue Set Up” to set up a default queue).

  •        Deprt Apprv Level 1 Res Phy, 20 – Department specific – Required Action Approve

  •        College/School/Other Approver, 40 – Mario Gennaro Thompson MGTHOMPSON – Required Action Approve

  •         Employment Area Res Phy, 60 – Hollie Medina HMEDINA – Required Action Approve

  •        FYI Payroll at Approval (FYIPAY), 93 –Michael Todacheene, MTODACHEENE– Required Action FYI

  •         Applier, 95 – EAAPPLIER – Required Action Apply

  •         Click “Save and Add New Rows”

Comments – Comments are always required and should validate amount being paid

  • Include the reason for payment, the dates/month/year payment is for and the amounts plus grand total being paid. For Example:

    • “Paid Call days at Child Psych on 09/23/2022 and 09/24/2022 @ $500 per shift, total $1,000”

    • “Moonlighting shift at EM on 09/07/21 of $400”

    • “Wellness funds to aid detrimental effects of night shifts for September $100”

    • “Chief Resident award of $2000 for Psych Chief duties during 2021-2022 year”, etc

    • “Extra film reads, X reads at $Y ea = $Z total.”

    • For Prizes and Awards: “2 publications @ $765.56, total $1531.12”

  • Click “Save”

Attachments – Supporting documentation is required, including work schedule, pay rates, resident positions, and/or award agreements

NOTE: To upload attachments, you must first save the EPAF.  Then, you can select “Upload Documents” in the snip below.


  • Include applicable documentation supporting reason for payment, the date/month/year, and amount for the payment maintained within the department.

    • Duty Hour Log

    • Pay Rate Schedule

    • Award Plan

    • Agreements/Contracts

Review all data entered, and click submit to submit EPAF.