How to use the Strategic Planning Report

SPET – 104.00

Date Establish: 12/20/23

Date Revised: 12/20/23

General Description


The Strategic Planning Report provides an efficient method to review existing incumbents for future salary planning; this report is not editable.  The Report pulls information on all staff within the selected department(s), including their level of education, experience, total minimum qualifications, current salary and comparatio, and the SPET recommended range.  Data can be sliced by grade, pclass, position title, or other parameters, which allows for both broad salary evaluations across a level 3 college/school/division or granular review of a specific job title within a single level 5 org. 


This report is only available to individuals with the HR SPET Level 3 Agent BAR role.  Individuals with the HR SPET Dept Initiator role will not have access to the Strategic Planning Report.

Related Documents

1.     SPET – 100.00 – How to Request the BAR Role to Access SPET

a.     (Learning Central training must be completed before you request a BAR Role)

2.     Education and Experience Calculator

3.     SPET – 101.00 – How to use the Education and Experience Calculator

4.     SPET – 102.00 – How to use the Salary Placement & Equity Tool

5.     SPET – 103.00 – How to use the Education and Experience Tool (if applicable)

6.     SPET FAQs – SPET Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Process Summary










Step #




Must have UNM credentials and SPET BAR role prior to accessing the SPET Tool.

See SOP SPET – 100.00 – How to Request the BAR Role for SPET Access.


Access SPET at


Log in using your UNM Credentials:


Click on: the “Username” field. Enter your UNM NetID.

Click on: the “Password” field.  Enter your UNM password.

Click on: “Sign In”.


Once you log in you should see this screen which will have 4 boxes.



Click on: “Strategic Planning Report” to view existing employee education and experience values, current salary and comparatio, and recommended SPET range.




TIP: Click on the header icon with three lines.

This will open the navigation sidebar for easier access.

To close the navigation sidebar, click on the “X” icon.


Selecting your Level 3 Org(s)

Once on the Strategic Planning Report page, start by selecting the appropriate *Level 3 org code(s). Depending on your BAR role, you may only have one option, or you may have many options.

NOTE: A Level 3 at UNM is commonly known as the College/School/Division, like ABG for the College of Fine Arts, AFC for School of Medicine, or AGC for Taos campus.

*Click on: the “Level 3 Org” that you need to review and click on the button

If you have more than one Level 3 Orgs you can highlight the orgs and click on or simply click on to select all.

*Please note this is a required field.


Selecting your Department Org(s)


Once you have selected the appropriate Level 3 org code, select the Level 5 department org(s) that apply.

NOTE: A Level 3 org is made up of a lot of smaller, Level 5 department orgs. For example, ABG, College of Fine Arts includes a lot of smaller, Level 5 department orgs, like 459A Music and 595A Art History.


*Click on: the department “Orgs” you need to review and click on the button



  •  To select more than one org, use the mouse to click on your selection while holding down the “Ctrl” button. Then click on the button.
  • To select all Level 5 Orgs, click on the button.
  • To deselect all orgs, click on undo button.
  • To deselect more than one org, use the mouse to click on your selection while holding down the “Ctrl” key and then click on button.

*Please note this is a required field.


Select the report sorting function from “Report Type”:



                Position Title


Select the report parameters. 

                Grade select the corresponding grade to review

                Pclass enter or select the corresponding pclass to review

                Position Title enter or select the corresponding position title to review

Once the report sorting function and parameter are selected, the report will automatically generate. 


The report will provide an unsorted list of all employees included in the level 5 org(s) selected.  Use the search function by typing in any additional parameter(s) or sort the data by any column header using the sort feature.


TIP: If you typed in a search term in the search bar and want to remove the filter, click on the X next to the filter to remove the parameter.


To calculate possible future-dated wage changes:

Click On: “Actions”, select “Data”, and select “Compute”.


Complete the needed information for the possible future-dated wage changes. Once parameters have been entered, Click On: “Apply”.  The new column will be added to the end of the generated report.

EXAMPLE: The department is preparing to hire a new employee in June.  MSU increases have been announced by the Board of Regents and the department would like to offer a slightly higher salary to start, as the new hire will not receive a pay increase for 13 calendar months, due to MSU guidelines.  The department can model what the salaries of current employees post-MSU increase, to more accurately determine a starting wage for the new hire. 


Disclaimer: Full functionality of the “Compute” function is under review and subject to change.


Strategic Planning Reports cannot be saved in the SPET.  However, they can be easily downloaded and saved as CSV, HTML, Excel, or PDF files.  They can also be sent as emails.     

TIP: The “Send as Email” toggle option is not selected by default.  To send a Strategic Planning Report by email, select the toggle option (the toggle will change color from grey to red) and then enter the recipient’s email address.


TIP: If you typed in a search term in the search bar and want to remove the filter, click on the X next to the filter to remove the parameter.



You may exit the SPET Grid by clicking on the “User” icon at the top right of your screen.


Click on: the “Sign Out” section.





You will be taken back to the SPET home login page.

You may now close your browser.