EAL Meeting 9.17.18

EAL Leads Meeting Monday September 17, 2018
Agenda/Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order @306pm by Kevin Stevenson

  • -UNM Jobs Update and Discussion: (See Attached slides for meeting discussion)
  • Manager Field (Kevin): Lots of issues with this portion. Group discussion along with slides. Kevin explained some of the issues that are arising with this field along with how it currently works and what upgrades will be made for this to work more efficiently. Kevin request feedback from the group in regard to the recommendations in the presentation.
  • Affirmative Action Questions: Compliance questions (Feb 2018) ethnicity question field was optional, is now required. The word "optional" has been removed but applicants are still able to select N/A as their answer if they do not want to answer the question but the field will no longer be optional.
  • External Applicant Password Rese/Mobile Friendly Workflow: Password reset will be easier in the future. Look for this in confluence toward the end of the week. Going forward employees with recruitment admin roles will have the ability to reset these passwords. Mobile friendly workflow advancements currently being worked on. Makes the process easier than its current version. Less items for applicants to "click-on" and also allows applicants to title their own documents that they upload (references, certification, etc.). This will also eliminated lost information if applicant needs to go back a step without having to repeat entering information into their application.
  • Softdocs Demo Date: Previously touched on this electronic document management system in past meeting. Would like to have a demo done at an upcoming EAL meeting. Will be added to a meeting in the next couple of months.
  • Open discussion regarding the slow response time in Banner 9 when processing a new hire: Expressed that the Banner 9 forms are taking 2-3-4 times longer than Banner 8 to complete. Lag time is longer than usual. Asked if other departments are experiencing this as well. No other departments seemed to be having these issues to that extreme. 5-10 minutes usual completion time, now taking apx 40 minutes. Kevin suggested that if you are experiencing issues to this extreme, a ticket needs to be submitted to Central IT.
  • 2018 Moving Expenses: Adam added this to the end of the meeting for those that need the info/the rest of the committee excused for this portion. Official meeting adjourned @358pm. Policy office to fast track, Oct 1 policy changes to be ready. Amber will send this info the UNMJobs list serv. Pushing for new employee making a choice in regard to relocation allowances vs going through Chrome River with receipt reimbursements. 100% taxable. Come January, the options for new employees moving expenses will be limited. Financial services wants to be taken out of the equation with the new relocation allowance option. Set up for relocation allowance? Earn code? Adam asks remaining members of the meeting to give feedback on the appearance of the relocation allowance form. Discussion in regard to the reimbursement process. Issues with payments to employees that start in the middle of the month, these people will need to wait until they have worked a full month to get reimbuersed.