User Inquiries and Responses

User Inquiries and Responses

See the Blog for the latest updates and patches from the vendor.

Thank you for your feedback, new users and system champions! Below are some ideas and requests you have made and what we found when looking into it.

(question) ITEM 1: Can the formatting of the Job Requisitions and instructional text boxes be standardized to remove additional formatting issues upon a copy and past?

RESPONSE: A process has been put in place that will remove some formatting such as different fonts, font color, and font size, yet departments may still need to use an HTML editor to assist with inputting text into the requisition template and certain text boxes. For instructions on using an HTML editor, see the "Using HTML" section in your employment area's Resource page in UNMJobs.

Added to Hiring Coordinator FAQ

(question) ITEM 2: Is there a way for the system to tell you what hire type you are logged in as? (i.e. faculty, staff, student...)

RESPONSE: Thank you for this suggestion. A ticket has been submitted to the software vendor for this type of functionality. Please also note that it will always refresh and default to a staff hire type. While logged in, you may also view your current assigned employment area by viewing your Universal Profile which is found under the Home menu.

Added to Hiring Coordinator FAQ

(question) ITEM 3: In the Career Center, when you select to Search Employment Area, is there a way to default this to the primary University of New Mexico drop-down? It seems strange that Cornerstone Administration Division is an option here.

RESPONSE: In reviewing this further, there is not an option to have the employment area automatically drill down further.

Added to Hiring Coordinator FAQ

(question) ITEM 4: In the Career Center when you are presented with a list of jobs available, there is a column that displays the Hiring Manager name. Can this be removed?

RESPONSE: This was researched and according to the vendor, this is not something that can be removed or customized in the layout.

A fix is being worked on - marked for removal

(question) ITEM 5: Is there a way to add the Banner ID number to the offer details section so that way it is easy to look up a student's information?

RESPONSE: The student employment area is seeing if this can be added as a custom field.

A fix is being worked on - marked for removal

(question) ITEM 6: Student link is problematic due to login. Student has to re-search for a posting after logging in

RESPONSE: UNMJobs project team will review this and see if there is another viable option to make this functionality better.

A fix is being worked on - marked for removal

(question) ITEM 7: When I share a link with someone or copy and paste it into another browser, the "Apply Now" button is replaced by a message in red text that says "Sorry this job is not currently available", what is happening?

RESPONSE: The reason this occurs is because of the complexities of the multiple employment area search sites (accessible via the tabs across the top). The fix is for the Employment Area to select the default tab when posting the requisition. This should preserve the integrity of the link making it available for application.

A fix is being worked on - marked for removal

(question) ITEM 8: Can "Grade" be added as search criteria to the internal Career Center?

RESPONSE: This search capability was added to the External Career Site; however, it is not possible to add it to the internal Career Center. This has been submitted as a suggestion to the vendor. If it is ever made an option, UNM will incorporate it.

Added functionality to do this - marked for removal.

(question) ITEM 9: Can supervisors see what their employee has applied for since they can see their employees outlined within their Universal Profile and My Team tabs?

RESPONSE: No. Although these sections of the software display the reporting hierarchy, they do not show an employees activity in relation to their profile materials or jobs they've applied for.

Added to applicant FAQ

(question) ITEM 10: During the Application process, some of the pages have a "submit" button at the bottom in order to go to the next page. Staff and students have expressed that it is very confusing because they don't know when "submit" actually means "submit" or if it will take them to the next page.

RESPONSE: The UNMJobs team agrees this user interface of having a progress section within an overall progress section of the navigation causes confusion.  However, the "submit" button is grayed out and the progress bar provides a status on where you are in the process.

Marked for removal

(question) ITEM 11: What does the "Excluded from healthcare" question mean when you are completing an application?

RESPONSE: This question applies to ?? . To make the questions more clear, it has been edited so that it reads "Have you ever been excluded from working in Healthcare?"

Marked for removal

(question) ITEM 12: My department is having a very difficult time getting applicants to attach documents that we require to their application, despite putting the instructions in several different places in the job ad. Having an applicant go to our website to find a form, download it, fill it out, and then attach it is overly complicated. A high percentage of applicants are unable to meet this requirement. This is aside from attaching the usual resume and cover letter. How can I get the information I need?

RESPONSE: It is recommended that the job ad instructions request that the applicant supply that information in the cover letter.

Added to Hiring Coordinator FAQ

(question) ITEM 13: Are quick links no longer available? For student positions, we tried using the normal URL, but when you use that it takes you to the posting and says “Sorry this job is not currently available.” We understand it says that since students need to login to apply, but it’s very misleading. Can the URL take them to the login screen first? Or can the note say something like “Please login to apply. The login button is in the upper right corner.” As it currently stands, it’s not intuitive to login. AND, when they do login from that page, it takes them back to the search screen….so they have to find the job all over again. 

RESPONSE: Quick links are now available, in fact they have always been available, but when we went live most requisitions were submitted without this feature enabled.  The employment areas have retroactively resolved this issue and will be enabling this feature on future requisitions.  If you cannot access a job ad by URL please let the employment area know so they can fix it.

Marked for removal

ITEM 14:


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