Submitting a Hire Request for Faculty - HSC FCO
Procedures for submitting a hiring request for a faculty position.
For hiring coordinators who will be responsible for submitting hiring requests.
Hiring Coordinator access is managed via the Hiring Coordinator role which can be requested via the Banner Authorization Requests (BAR) system.
Hover over Recruit on the navigation bar and select Manage Requisition.
- For a competitive hire, required documents include:
- Justification memo
- Composite screening tools
- Interview Itineraries (if applicable)
- Signed LOO
- SOM PRC form signed by the Chair and Approval emails from the PRC and OFACD Associate Dean or CON, COP, COPH, HSLIC Vice Chancellor approval
- Equity Grid
- For a non-competitive hire:
- Justification memo
- Signed LOO
- SOM PRC form signed by the Chair and Approval emails from the PRC and OFACD Associate Dean or CON, COP, COPH, HSLIC Vice Chancellor approval
- Equity Grid
- For a competitive hire, required documents include: