The jobs effective date is the date the ePAF will apply in the Banner system. This date must not be less than the last paid date as indicated on the ePAF in which you are currently working. In some cases, the effective date may be equal to the last paid date, but it can never be less than the last paid date.
Personnel Date:
The personnel date is the date that the epaf “should” happen. In best case scenario, the personnel date and jobs effective date will be the same.
Originator will see the last paid date on the separation epaf is July 27, 20XX. This EPAF’s jobs effective date cannot be less than the last paid date; the EPAF originator will enter July 27,20XX as the jobs effective date and July 25, 20XX as the personnel date.
Last paid date:
The last paid date represents the last day of the pay period. It is systemically populated by the payroll process.