Leadership Competencies

How do these resources align with the 12 questions (Q12) of the Gallup, Inc. engagement survey?

UNM Employee and Organizational Development has recognized 15 areas of capability for effective managers and supervisors. These areas of competency are a culmination of the timeless principles of human effectiveness identified by EOD vendors Franklin Covey and DDI. Curriculum for the Supervisor Pathways (and areas of concentration) have been identified as instrumental in developing all 15 competencies. 

Gallup, Inc. has also identified 12 needs that managers can meet to improve your employees' productivity. These needs are the basis of the Q12 Engagement Survey. EOD has aligned the 15 Areas of Capability with each of the Q12 questions to provide managers and supervisors guidance on where to improve their skills in alignment with their Gallup survey data. Our resources are arranged by each competency under Microcourses, Quick Insights, Supervisor Pathways, and Instructor-Led Courses.