00:16:42 Carmen Sandoval: your breaking up 00:16:53 Carmen Sandoval: your are breaking up 00:17:12 Amy ODonnell: I am hearing fine. Might be your end, Carmen 00:17:53 Carmen Sandoval: your are breaking up 00:17:53 Carmen Sandoval: your are breaking up 00:17:54 Carmen Sandoval: your are breaking up 00:17:56 Carmen Sandoval: your are breaking up 00:18:03 Tiffany M Harrell: Congrats Emily! 00:23:22 Oceana Black Elk: What happens when a staff member does not want to be vaccinated? 00:28:00 Oceana Black Elk: How long will the temp. exception last, and how often would they need to be tested? And what happens if they just refuse to be vaccinated? 00:29:25 Kevin Stevenson: The temporary exception is available while vaccines are only authorized under the FDA’s EUA. It will go away once a vaccine receives regular authorization. We will cover the “refuse” scenario later in the slide deck. 00:29:40 Oceana Black Elk: thank you! 00:33:44 deb: Will the COVID 19 Testing include processes for the branch campuses. 00:34:24 Cathy C : We are an office that sees students. Is there something we are supposed to do to verify that they have been tested? 00:34:52 Pam Agoyo: Does COVID Testing have parameters....for example, will any text do? Or are rapid testing options not acceptable? 00:35:01 Bobbi Jaramillo: do supervisors see the vaccine exemption requests as first review? E.g. an employee could claim they don't go in our buildings, but we have some employees that are community based for home visits (e.g., work/live in Farmington) so rarely/never came onsite to HSC buildings anyway. 00:38:34 David: Will the HSC get badge stickers like we do for flu vaccines? 00:38:39 Cathy C : Is it ok to tell folks during the interview process that this is a requirement? 00:38:48 Kevin Stevenson: Hi Pam, there are requirements related to which tests are allowed, and those details will be shared as part of the testing process that is rolled out shortly. 00:39:48 Pam Agoyo: @Kevin - thanks so much! 00:41:27 Kevin Stevenson: Hi Bobbi, the remote work exemption request form is submitted by the employee to the supervisor for approval, so they are the first level of review. You can review the specific form and instructions at https://bringbackthepack.unm.edu/vaccine/vaccine-requirement-exemption-forms.html 00:42:43 deb: Will there be additional special training for Branch Campus HR Administrators on this process. 00:43:57 LaVern Rodriguez: Is the vaccine incentive continuing through 8/30? 00:45:06 Kevin Stevenson: Hi LaVern - yes, the existing incentive program remains in place through August 31, so submissions prior to then will be eligible for the incentive. 00:45:55 Scott Sanchez, Staff Council: Does this Remote working Exemption would also mean the employees must not physically visit LoboCare, C.A.R.S., or UNMH Facilities? 00:46:44 Carmen Sandoval: does this also include golf courses? 00:46:48 Amanda Armstrong: The remote work vaccine exemption form asks which semester. Can this be asked for a longer period for employees who work out of state? Or will we be redoing this every semester? 00:47:17 Kevin Stevenson: Hi Scott, that’s correct. The remote work exemption requires that employees will not access any university site or facility at any of our campus locations for any purpose. 00:48:47 Kevin Stevenson: Hi Amanda, the current remote exemption request is only for a semester at a time. I’m sure we’ll continue refining the process as we go on, so that’s good feedback on folks who are permanently remote and will never come to campus. 00:48:52 Tracy Ingalls: An employee cannot access healthcare facilities if they have an exemption? 00:50:40 Kevin Stevenson: Scott/Tracy/everyone…. Should’ve read Scott’s message more closely. That’s not the intent, so we’ll get some clarification on that language so it’s clear what’s ok and not ok. 00:51:25 eharris: Why did custodial remove all mask signs and physical distancing signs in our building. 00:51:28 Scott Sanchez, Staff Council: No problem 00:52:57 Bobbi Jaramillo: mask at all times if alone in office or a 5 foot wall/cubicle (single occupant cubicle). BUT - We have a lot of folks in shared offices or open cubicles. Are they allowed to unmask if vaccinated or must wear mask all day. ONLY those in single offices/cubes, correct? 00:54:38 Bobbi Jaramillo: I agree, Kathy. Just want to make sure it's clear in HSC. Thank you! 00:55:40 lrodriguezvazquez: Hello, would it be OK for us to put back the mask signs on the building? 00:56:17 lrodriguezvazquez: *in the building 00:59:06 Oceana Black Elk: Will students on campus who do not get vaccinated and do not submit any exceptions be disenrolled? 00:59:28 lmday1: we have a posting that went up yesterday and the information is not on the posting - we would then mention the requirements at the interview? 01:00:22 lrodriguezvazquez: e 01:02:00 OCH: Off subject a bit, when will the retirement classes be offered again? Is there someone staff can talk to if they are in the process of retiring? 01:02:36 Viktor Gough: Quick question, where do Student Employees fall in this? Are they listed as students or under employees? Same with part-time students that are also employees, just want to make sure I don't say the wrong thing. 01:04:52 Mish: I'm at CEEO... a student parent called to ask if there will be any additional exemptions available for students requesting the temp exemption after that expires? 01:06:59 lmday1: thank you 01:08:27 Brenda De La Pena: HRBenefits@unm.edu 01:09:55 Tony Robinson-GEO: Should the Passport Center be using the UNM Employee/Visitor Questionnaire for passport customers who come in for appointments? 01:10:27 Heather Jaramillo: Student medical exemptions will go to ARC, all other student exemptions will go to CEEO. 01:11:21 Viktor Gough: Thank you! I've had a few students ask me already so I'll let them know, and then I'll let them know they need to fill out multiple forms if they're employees who are also students. 01:11:44 Heather Jaramillo: Everyone will utilize the exemption process first; ARC and CEEO will then farm out as appropriate. 01:12:16 Brenda De La Pena: Similar question to the Passport Question, should the HR Service center use the EE/Visitor Questionnaire. We have employees, students, retirees, individuals pre-employment to inquire about hiring? 01:14:55 Mish: Thanks! 01:17:19 Division of Human Resources: clientsv@unm.edu 01:20:31 yyoe: Where can we find the call center info? 01:21:08 Bobbi Jaramillo: 515-8212 01:21:34 yyoe: Thank you! 01:21:40 Cathy C : if we uploaded our shot card for prizes, is that the same as the current verification, or should we upload it again? 01:22:00 Amber Bailey: https://bringbackthepack.unm.edu/worksite-protocols/index.html 01:22:25 Amber Bailey: Sick employees should contact the UNM COVID-19 Call Center at 505.515.8212 and follow any guidance related to testing and/or quarantining. 01:23:30 Carlos Abeyta (He/Him): Thank you all! :) 01:23:40 Carlotta M Abeyta: Thank you all very much! 01:23:45 Oceana Black Elk: Thank you! 01:24:12 Jamey Cook: Thank you for the information!